SPJST Lodge 183
SPJST Mission and Vision Statements:
"Insuring and Enriching Lives"
"Our vision is to provide a wholesome
family environment; to encourage cherished Czech traditions; and to provide high quality, competitive life insurance for our members."

SPJST proudly serves Texas families
with life insurance products and fraternal activities.
SPJST was founded July 1, 1897, in La Grange, Texas,
by early Czechoslovakian pioneers as a fraternal benefit society to ensure the financial security of its members.
SPJST stands for Slovanska Podporujici Jednota Statu Texas,
or Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas.
Czech heritage is proudly promoted, but SPJST membership is open to everyone. You become a member simply by purchasing life insurance.
Through a wide range of life insurance and annuity plans,
SPJST offers its members the peace of mind that comes with financial security.
SPJST is fraternalism for all ages! SPJST has local lodges all across Texas. The members in these lodges sponsor a wide range of family-oriented activities and community service projects. Family activities may include musical and dance groups, dances, picnics, games, contests, tournaments, summer camps, and youth activities. Lodge members also participate in community service projects and food drives, contribute lodge funds, and assist hospitals, nursing homes, police and fire departments.
For more information please visit www.spjst.org